

Nos acechan por todas partes, siempre encontramos caras sombrías o fantasmas urbanos: detrás de cada esquina, en el vagón del metro, a veces incluso debajo de nuestras propias camas. Caras que nos resultan conocidas, mudas pero vehementes, con ojos hundidos y brillantes, cabezas salidas de sueños extraños. Estos seres fluorescentes tienen en su pupila un espejo, que atrapa a los vivos creando visiones caleidoscópicas que ocasionalmente causan la pérdida de la cordura, haciéndote caer en un vacío irreal o bien sacándote de tu matrix y mostrándote tu vaga y anodina existencia.

¿Nunca te ha ocurrido?
A mí me acechan a cada paso...

(El texto es mío también)



Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking When I said I'd like to smash every tooth In your head
Oh ... sweetness, sweetness, I was only joking When I said by rights you should be Bludgeoned in your bed
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh As the flames rose to her roman nose And her Walkman started to melt Oh ...
Bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place In the Human race
Oh, bigmouth, ha ha ... bigmouth, la Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place In the Human race
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh As the flames rose to a roman nose And her hearing aid started to melt Eek !
Oh, bigmouth, la ... bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place With the Human race Oh ...
Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place In the Human race
And now I know how Joan of Arc felt Now I know how Joan of Arc felt, oh As the flames rose to a roman nose And her hearing aid started to melt Oh !Oh, bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ...
Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place In the Human race Oh ... Bigmouth, oh ... bigmouth, la ... Bigmouth strikes again I've got no right to take my place In the Human race Oh ...
Goodbye, and thankyou ! Goodbye